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36 Things Your Accountant Can Do for You

You know what’s frustrating? When regular customers tell me they signed up for some new service with another accountant. Or used some online legal service. Or bought some scammy service that they don’t need.

“You do that? I had no idea!” they’ll say. It’s so frustrating for me. I want to make sure you know that you can come to us for most of the things you need! And if we can’t meet your needs, we’d be happy to recommend someone we know will do a good job.

Please note: It’s not just me. Most independent CPAs and EAs do all these things, too. Don’t muddle through trying to figure it out on Google and wind up using a scam service. The government makes its own rules. Sometimes you need an expert on your side to figure it out. Reputable accountants often save you more money than they cost.

36 things I can do for you

  1. Represent you in audits and collection actions by the state and IRS.
  2. Catch up and file your back taxes.
  3. Amend (re-file) your tax returns when you forgot something or made a mistake.
  4. Get IRS penalties removed.
  5. Explain scary letters you got from the IRS or state and answer them for you.
  6. Get tax liens removed.
  7. Get people on payment plans when they owe.
  8. Process injured spouse/ innocent spouse forms so your tax refunds don’t pay your spouse’s (or ex’s) debts.
  9. Stop the levy (seizure) process and get you more time to pay.
  10. Process offers-in-compromise if you qualify (That’s the “pennies on the dollar” thing scammers try to do.)
  11. Process identity theft forms when someone steals your or your child’s identity. (Claiming kids is big money.)
  12. Help you get your student loans out of default, so they stop taking your tax refunds.
  13. Sort through boxes of mail or papers and figure out what is important (often for someone deceased when you just can’t do it yourself.)
  14. Help people figure out tough financial situations like garnishments, child support, and inheritance funds.
  15. Direct people to other professionals (lawyers, insurance, investment) that I know will do a good job for them.
  16. Paycheck and income checkups to be sure your W4 is right at work and you won’t owe a ton of money at tax time.
  17. Help you forms LLCs and corporations start to finish.
  18. Apply and get you an Employer Identification Number.
  19. Act as your company’s Arkansas Registered Agent.
  20. Figure out, file, and pay sales tax for your business.
  21. Payroll for your business (sometimes even for nannies or home health workers). Everything – amounts, filing and paying taxes, staying compliant, everything.
  22. Full-service and assisted bookkeeping. Sometimes I do it all. Sometimes you just need some help to keep it up. We do what’s best for you.
  23. Process and electronically file 1099s for your contract workers.
  24. Process and electronically file your forms W2 for your employees.
  25. File and pay your franchise tax and other annual forms with the state.
  26. Get you approved as a 501(c)(3) charity or other non-profit.
  27. Get your company or non-profit out of revoked status with the IRS or state.
  28. Get you approved as an S-corporation.
  29. Train you on QuickBooks or other accounting software.
  30. Coach you on small business issues and answer your “silly” questions. (They are NEVER silly!)
  31. Help you close and dissolve your business when it’s time to move on.
  32. Figure out who gets what and how to value it when you sell your business.
  33. Devise the best way for you to pay the least amount of tax legally possible using my 25+ years of tax experience and education.
  34. Provide a “First Hour Free” for all new people to discuss your issues and give you some pointers.
    And of course….
  35. Annual business and non-profit tax forms AND
  36. Regular 1040 personal taxes with e-file and fast refunds. I even offer the refunds advance loans and debit cards, just like the big guys, if you need it, except you get a tax expert who can do all this other stuff, too.

So before you decide to try some internet thing or a big-box store, check with me (or another tax and accounting pro). You’ll find we are always the better deal.


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